Rain Boots? Cleaning boots.

Why is it that I can't clean my apartment without wearing my rain boots? I'm serious. I just feel icky cleaning without them on. My apartment has about 4 days worth of filth (me throwing my tissues everywhere, kitchen counters a foot high, etc.) in it right now.
You have to understand one thing about me: I'm OCD.
BUT, every once in a while (drinking is usually involved), I will let it go one night and then it's OVER! It is the nastiest place you have ever seen for a couple of days before I get up the nerve to tackle it.
The only good thing about this time is I have my beautiful Christmas tree up to counteract some of the grossness. But it's still gross. Which is why I have my rain boots on (ironically so far this is their only job because I have only worn them in the rain once).
There is also a layer of "drunken shenanigan mess" in my apartment too, due to my friend and I coming back here after a night out and still having tons of energy. How? I don't know. So, there are two brooms in the middle of the living room from when we proceeded to "pay back" the neighbors upstairs for all the noise they have caused me in the last few months, then there are a couple of small cookies that my friend baked after I passed out on the couch, and also lots of little figurines around (I'm unsure as to what those are about). Anyway, it's a hodgepodge of things in here now and at this rate, I'll be done in 5 hours or so. Wish me luck.
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