Single, Sarcastic, and Spectacular in FL

A 20-something grad student's rants about life and finding a man.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Long time no see

Well, it looks like I'm starting to become one of those terrible bloggers who waits a month (at least) in between blogs. I'll have to add that to my New Year's Resolutions list.

Speaking of which, New Years was good. I went out to this nice resort with friends from my church back home and we played cards, had sparkling cider, and watched the fireworks display at midnight. We only went outside to hear the band and join in the festivities for about an hour around midnight because it was so freaking cold. The wind chill was about 32 degrees, and I know what you northern people are going to say, "I had a wind chill of NEGATIVE SEVEN!" The point is, if I had dressed properly, I would have been fine, but all I had on was jeans, candy-apple red pumps, a sleeveless shirt and pea coat. I was dressed for 60 degree weather, maybe. Anywho, the fireworks were so nice and lasted a long time and they even had a myriad of songs put together to go along with the fireworks so I was bouncing up and down the whole time to the songs. This also helped me stay warm.

Around 12:30 am, when all of the couples started heavily making out on the lawn where we were listening to the band, we decided to go back inside. One of my friends had gotten a condo at the resort so we were going to hang out a bit before fighting the traffic to get back home. When we got back to the steps of the condo building, we heard this horrible fire alarm going off and out comes all of these people from the building. There were quite a few kids and babies, and most importantly, puppies. These poor, poor puppies had been roused from their peaceful slumber to a high-pitched shrieking sound. Luckily, the condo we had had a back porch and was on the first floor, so we snuck around the back where the firemen couldn't see us and we were able to get in through the back door. The alarm went off quickly (apparently this happens every year at this resort; some drunk teenager pulls the fire alarm. idiot.) and we were able to finish our card game in peace.

Now I'm back in South Florida and I had my first class today. It sucks being back in classes. When will it end?? Never. I've resolved myself to the fact that I will be a lifelong student and there is nothing I can do to stop it. She groans. At least my dad said he will try to find me a dog, fully trained, to keep me company and make me get outside some more. I miss my doggie niece so badly already. I spent a lot of time with her when I was home.

Here's just a few New Years Resolutions:
-Get back down to my "fighting weight"
-Lure a man into my web
-Only 1 cookie, not 12
-No more TV. Alas, my cable is now gone, so I SHOULD study more, right??
-The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.
(The last one isn't so much a resolution, as just a way to live for the year)


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