Single, Sarcastic, and Spectacular in FL

A 20-something grad student's rants about life and finding a man.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Back to Reality

I finally got home from my week of spring break last night around 1 am. Both of my flights home were delayed and I ended up having to stay in the Atlanta airport for a while. This would have bothered me, but I had found the TGI Fridays during my trip home a week ago and so I went back there and had a couple of drinks and some quesadillas and got to watch the entire new episode of Desperate Housewives last night! I had forgotten it was on, but this gay guy sitting near me asked the waitress to turn the channel there, and I was so happy when it came on!

I had a very productive last week because I made a point to see all of my family members and make at least a little time for my friends back home. I saw four movies last week, The Reader, The Watchmen, Confessions of a Shopaholic, and The Wrestler. They were all good, despite being such total opposite genres. The Watchmen was pretty weird and long, and let me warn any men that may go see this that there is a lot of male nudity, especially in the blue penis category. Anyone who has seen it knows what I mean. Okay, enough of that.

One of the highlights of my week was whenever The Pilot would call or text me. He called only twice and texted me every couple of days. It really made me like him even more to know that he was thinking about me when I was away. I'm still not sure how many girls he is or isn't dating, but I can see some potential there, nonetheless.

I tried to exercise a little last week, but pretty much failed miserably. I was supposed to work out with my trainer today, but I decided to cancel since I gained so much weight last week. I need another couple days of detox from all the eating out!

Hopefully the rest of this semester of school flys by and I'll be closer to getting back to the classes I need to be taking for my degree. I don't know why, but lately it's been hard for me to shake this lazy feeling. I'm sure it has to do with my weight and the way I feel in my body, so I know I need to start there. Wish me luck!


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